Housing Support

Important Update: We are no longer accepting applications at the moment. Please check back for future announcements.

Healthy Homes. Healthy Communities.

Our Housing Support Services has provided vital assistance to numerous families in the Greater Houston Area. We remain dedicated to helping individuals and families facing challenges such as job loss, illness, and homelessness, offering support during times of crisis to help them regain stability.

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) program is geared towards helping the chronically homeless population attain residential stability.  The goal is to help them get back on their feet by giving them the tools they need, through one-on-one case management, to become self-sufficient using a holistic approach. All referrals are received from the Coalition for the Homeless.

To determine if you are eligible for Permanent Supportive Housing you must be assessed at one of Houston’s designated Coordinated Access sites. Information can be obtained at Houston’s ​Coalition for the Homeless - The Way Home/Get Help

Homeless Prevention (HP)

HP is geared towards helping households that are at risk of homelessness maintain their current housing. (See below)

The Youth Homeless Demonstration Program (YHDP)

The Youth Homeless Demonstration Program (YHDP) is a US Department of Housing and Urban Development funded demonstration program to end unaccompanied youth homelessness for individuals ages 18 to 24. YHDP serves the most vulnerable youth with its low barrier to entry, innovative adaptation of Housing First Principles, youth-centered case management, and positive youth development components, resulting in housing stability and self-sufficiency.

To determine if you are eligible for The Youth Homeless Demonstration Program you must be assessed at one of Houston’s designated Coordinated Access sites. Information can be obtained at Houston’s ​Coalition for the Homeless - The Way Home/YHDP Resources

Qualification Process

Homeless Prevention (HP)

We CAN accept direct referrals for this program

  1. Clients must be able to provide proof that they are at risk of homelessness:
    • Eviction notices, late notices, disconnection notices for utilities, etc.
    • We are able to pay back due rent for those that are behind up to a certain amount.
  2. Leasing offices/Landlord must be willing to work with the program and accept payment for assistance to be rendered.
  3. Income documentation must be provided for all members of household and the person seeking assistance must be on a lease agreement.
  4. Rental assistance is not guaranteed.

This program offers one time Emergency Housing assistance.


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